Sunday, 9 June 2013

Lari jangan tak lari...

Just watch this movie last night. Kinda entertaining at some level. Kudos to ahmad idham and co. for producing a considerably good action movie (taraf malaysia) even though there are some questionable plot in the movie. It is a movie with a straight-forward story line with no twisted plots. 

Synopsis: Khaliff (aaron aziz) is a retired contract soldier. When he came back home he found that his dad was killed by someone and his kid-sister went missing. So from there, the whole story basically showed how strong and athletic a raged malaysian soldier can be. Added in also some muay thai and other martial arts moves to spice up the movie. 

I notice that most of the gangster are quite resilient as Khaliff need to pound them for quite some time before they finally tap out. (penangan tongkat ali la tu). the shooting scene towards the end can be improve more. It's a bit illogical for all of the thai's mafia to be very short-sighted that I think the star wars storm troopers would be having a field day fighting them (they are a lousy shooter too if you don't know). they can't even shoot 1 big-sized guy at a short distance (I'm guessing less than 20 meters apart) and they are using a freaking uzi and machine gun!! takpe la, at least one of the longest shooting scene in malay movie that i've seen so far. 

dLan: enjoyed the movie but would not recommend to hardcore action movie-goers. I'm gonna give it a 6.5/10 star rating for the good effort. could have been better though...

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