Wednesday 6 February 2013

A Junction on the Road - Security vs. Freedom (part 1)

I had quit working for the government... No,no. Don't get me wrong. I don't hate the government and no I don't hate my previous job (okay, maybe just a little bit) I'm now working in one of the private hospital in Seremban. I really enjoy myself working there for the last 3 weeks and apparently even my wife noticed it - She said she had never see me go to work in a happy mood for the past 2 years+ we were married. hehe... This is a story about me making a big leap for a chance of financial freedom by 'sacrifing' my financial security

A little about me before we go on.... I've completed my studies and obtained my MBBS from one of the private uni in Malaysia. Despite a small glitch during my studies (I had to repeat my final semester) I managed to grad in Aug 2008. I immediately started working my bum off in Nov 2008 and started to receive my first salary on Jan 2009. Yup, first 2 months of working I had to get a loan from the 'FaMa' Bank (I'll save the story for another day- if I can remember hehe) After 2 grueling years as a house officer, I managed to graduated from what we-(doctors)-call "lowest being in the medical world" to a lesser being or as layman people call medical officer. Then, I got transferred to rural clinic in Tampin district for almost 2 years before got shifted back to Seremban in Dec 2012. (I was asking to be transferred to hospital but got sent to health clinic instead) On the 9th Jan 2013, after 4 years 1 month and 23 days, I submitted my letter to FIRE my boss.  

To my fellow junior colleagues and friends - You should know that there are a few things you should REALLY consider before leaving your job ( I think these can be applied to others as well)
  1. You better be damn well sure that you want to leave your current work (in my case MoH) and better have another working place ready.
  2. Weigh and list down the pro's and con's leaving your current job to a new one
  3. Have at least 2-3 months of savings in case of emergency (trust me on this one)
Majority of  the reason why people leave their job for a new one fall into one of these reasons
  • financial stand
  • working environment
  • got sacked ( this have been getting more rampant recently especially those from foreign company )
Well, my reasons are simple - I want and need more income and I want more time and freedom for me to do what I want to gain financial freedom. And guess what, my new workplace provide both to me. That's why I didn't hesitate much to jump ship.

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