Friday 8 February 2013

Happy New Year and Selamat Balik Kampung

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR to all Malaysian and especially my fellow chinese friends. Hope the year of snakes will help you slither your way to success this year....

I'm currently at my comfy mom's house in Alor Setar. Just arrived after 6 hours journey from Seremban. If not because of attending my lil' bro engagement event and my cousin's wedding reception, memang takde nak redah traffic balik. The journey was a bit gloomy as it was drizzling most of the way and pretty uneventful except for a few minor accidents happening here and there along the way. (thank god, I'm not involved in any of them). Anyway, a few things I wanted to remind myself after this:

  • Don't travel on the highway during peak hours unless REALLY REALLY necessary. I'm the kind of guy that can't really stand traffic jam- can feel my pressure rising especially if the cause is simply because people slowed down just to watch an aftermath of an accident. Why la so busy body??? Why??? If you're not going to help then please just drive away. No need to check the plat number for your 4D. tak kena punya!!
  • Should try to consider public transport as mode of transport to go back kampung next time. Of course more convenient kalau travel sendiri tapi quite costly jugak fikir-fikir balik... travelling by train looks quite tempting especially the bed koc (Should take note for future reference) I've manage to make some cost analysis travelling back to Kedah with my beloved 5-years old BLM (sebelum ni tak pernah terfikir nak calculate)
    • petrol consumption: RM 120 (about 13.5km/L - not bad I may say for a 'seasoned' car)   
    • toll fee: RM54.20 (seremban/PD to Juru) + RM 13.50 (Sg Dua to Alor Star Utara) = RM 67.70

  • Make sure to prepare tidbits and refreshment prior to travel. Tidbits at R&R and Petrol station tend to be more expensive than normal. Not to blame them for it as that is their way of making money but if I can use RM 5 -10 extra cash for petrol, that would be good.

dLan: drive safe and if possible do follow the schedule proposed by PLUS to easy our journey. Can refer here. Kudos to PLUS giving us ang pau in the form of rebate - 20% (on 7th and 15th) and 30% (on 10th) of toll price

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