Sunday 17 February 2013

Alhamdulillah.... Most precious doa given to mankind

From my humble opinion, the phrase "Alhamdulillah" (or its meaning in English praise to God Al-Mighty) is one of the most beautiful doa that been blessed by Allah to his servant - short, sweet and simple.

A lot of people neglect this phrase and tend to forget about it including me. However, a brief encounter with a Lebanese guy, Fadi, during one of my outing had enlightened and reminded myself how ungrateful I've been to Allah be it consciously or unconsciously. While we were chatting and having our 'air kosong tarik' (not being stingy but being health conscious) he asked the crowd (about 5 of us) a question,
" My brothers, when do you think human will remember God? "
All of us unanimously answered when they fall into perils. Tak kira Islam ke, Kristian ke, Buddha ke, atheis ke, everyone will  mostly pray  to their own respective God for help or at least think thought of a higher power when they are in peril. Nothing wrong with that since it is part of human nature. However, the beauty in Islam is that we are supposed to always remember Allah ALL THE TIME - especially during our good times. Tapi most of us conveniently forget to be grateful to Allah when we are blessed with prosperity. Insyallah, by instilling the habit of saying Alhamdulillah all the time in due time we will not forget Allah. Also Allah will blessed us with more prosperity and rezeki. 

I would like to end this with a short but meaningful story
" There was a king and his wazir (advisor) in a kingdom. They were close and the king will always go to him to complaint about his trouble and the wazir would reply with Alhamdulillah. One day, the king went out for his hunting game and while hunting he accidentally blow one of his fingers off. In pain and grief he told the wazir about it and as predicted his reply is Alhamdulillah. Being taken aback, the king ordered the wazir to be sent to prison and the wazir just said Alhamdulillah causing the king to get more angry.
After a year, the king went out for his hunting game again. This time, another mishap happen where his whole troop got caught by a cannibal tribe in the jungle. Since he is the only survivor, the cannibal decide to sacrifice him to their God. As he was tied up to the pole and about to be thrown into the boiling pot, the chief of the tribe ask the 'chef' to examine the king as they need a sacrifice that is without defect and much to their dismay, the 'chef' noticed that the king had lost a finger. Thus he was released and ask to go home. The king then run all the way back to his castle never looking back. Once he reached his castle the first thing he did was to go to the prison to meet with the wazir and told him about the ordeal. 
' Wazir, now I know why you said Alhamdulillah when I lost my finger a year ago. My life is spared because I lost my finger!! But I still don't understand why you said Alhamdulillah when you were sent to prison'
' My dear king, if you didn't sent me to prison a year ago, I would have been the sacrificed by the cannibal today'...

dLan: gonna do my best to always be grateful and remember Allah and say Alhamdulillah for everything that happen to me. 

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